New alternatives to fight obesity

Understanding obesity in a few points

A worrying situation

Revealed during the day of obesity, the figures testify to a worrying situation in France: according to the ESTEBAN study conducted by Santé Publique France, 17% of adults and 4% of children would today be considered obese.

Globally, the number of obese people would have tripled in the space of 40 years.

Feeding habits, overconsumption of rich, sweet and processed products and a sedentary lifestyle are undoubtedly at the basis of the progression of this disease, which can lead to numerous health complications.

Risk assessment with BMI

With BMI, Body Mass Index (BMI = weight / height2), one can assess the risk of diseases associated with being overweight.

  • Beyond a BMI of 30, one can qualify someone as obese and one must start monitoring health risks such as diabetes, high blood pressure, disorders of fat metabolism, heart and lung diseases and cancer.
  • Beyond 35, obesity is considered "severe" and the risk of illness associated with obesity increases.
  • Beyond 40, obesity is called "morbid", which has a greater impact on health and a greater decrease in life expectancy.

The indication of a non-surgical procedure or surgery to help patients lose weight is indicated by BMI.

Person in situation of obesity

When obesity is reached, it is often that often restrictive diets have not produced any long-term results and have even worsened the overweight because of the "yoyo" .

Beyond a BMI of 35, these operations can be reimbursed by Social Security in France.

Solutions against obesityLes solutions contre l’obésité

Two types of operations are most often offered to people with morbid or severe obesity with diseases associated with obesity: sleeve gastrectomy and By-Pass. One is to reduce the size of the stomach. The other to work around it.

One new solution: sleeve gastroplasty

The gastric band is currently less prescribed. Gastric balloons were indicated for patients who are not candidates for obesity surgery.

Today, a new non-surgical technique can be proposed: the gastroplasty sleeve.

  • It is less invasive and has simple consequences with few complications.
  • It consists of reducing the stomach with non-absorbable sutures which gives a feeling of satiety.
  • It is mainly indicated for people with a BMI between 30 and 40.

This innovative procedure costs around € 7000 and is not reimbursed by the French Health Insurance.

Sleeve gastroplasty is a non-surgical technique that is done by fibroscopy of the stomach, thanks to a tube that is equipped at its end with a video processor that can be manipulated from the outside with joysticks.
It is therefore introduced through the mouth, usually with anesthesia, but sometimes without anesthesia and it allows to make more sutures.
This technique allows both to see, but also to make sutures, to make points to reduce the size of the stomach.
We are more quickly satiated for smaller amounts, so we lose weight.
Sleeve gastroplasty is not a magic procedure, it is an effective starter for weight loss.
This technique makes it possible to lose an average of 20 kg in 6 months and its effectiveness over time is correlated with personalized nutritional coaching.

Docteur Vianna Costil (RTL source)

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